The March to the Stadium

Stadium MarchIt's a Friday night in the fall and Pioneer is playing at home. The Marching Band has been preparing all week for their appearance at Hollway Field. Following a brief after-school rehearsal and food break, the Marching Band is ready to begin the march to the stadium.

Stadium MarchAfter inspection, the Drum Major calls the band to attention in the drive just outside of the band room. The drum cadence follows the tempo set by the whistle command of the drum major, and the ranks of the band step in time all the way to the stadium.

Stadium MarchThe fans are beginning to arrive in Pioneer's massive parking lot, so safety and respect are top priorities for the parent volunteers who escort the band on its trip to the stadium gate.

Fans can often be seen walking in step with the band and feeling the excitement the percussion rhythm builds. If you watch and listen closely, you can also sense the pride of each rank in how they cover down and share their own unique traditions within the structure of the ensemble. Faces are often painted with designs and glitter to help mark the special magic of game night.

Stadium MarchThe teams warming up on the football can hear the approach of the band and see the white sousaphones if they glance in that direction. The fans at the ticket booth and those already in the stands welcome the band's approach as an important part of the pageantry of the game.

Stadium MarchThe band heads up through the stadium gate and then assembles in the tunnel, anxiously awaiting their pre-game performance.

Soon the drum major's whistle and the drums reverberate in the tunnel as the high-stepping Pioneer Marching Band takes the field!

Stadium March