This page has not been updated for the 2014 – 15 calendar year. Check back soon for new information.

Band Camp Spring Registration

We begin registering students for Band Camp in the spring of the school year. Current Pioneer students receive the enrollment form from Mr. Leach or Ms. Waring in the classroom.

RegistrationIncoming 9th grade students receive the form when they audition for Mr. Leach at their middle school. Forms are also available at the Incoming 9th Grade Orientation meeting. Forms and deposits can be returned to the directors in the classroom or mailed to the address provided.

In order to notify Interlochen of our expected enrollment, the following application deadline is enforced for all students:

May 12, 2014

Only a very limited number of openings for Band Camp may be available after the spring registration deadline. Registration for Band Camp is closed when our maximum enrollment is achieved or at the discretion of the band director.

To register, students must complete a registration form, a health form, and pay the minimum deposit. Registration and health forms are available in the band room or here: