Activities and Events

EnsemblesThe Pioneer Band program encompasses a wide variety of activities and events. For details about particular activities or events, click on the individual links below or use our Interactive Calendar. There are many volunteer opportunities available!


Current Band Calendar (4-page calendar of events)

Each year, students and parents receive a comprehensive calendar of band activities that includes all Pioneer Band rehearsal and performance dates and times, Pioneer Band Association meeting dates and other special events. Many find it helpful to post the calendar on a refrigerator, bulletin board, or other favorite location. Hard copies of the Calendar are distributed during Band Registration and are available at the start of the school year. You may also open the Calendar in .pdf form by clicking above.

Changes to the Calendar are possible as we wait for the AAPS District Calendar to be finalized. Monitor this website, newsletters, and classroom announcements for changes to our Calendar. Use may also use our interactive calendar (see below.)

Interactive Calendar

This is an online Google Calendar that allows us to keep you up-to-date with detailed activity and event information. It provides you with many special interactive features including customized views and e-mail reminders. You can subscribe to the Band Calendar, and all our activities will automatically appear on your computer and mobile devices. Check it out and use it regularly!

Summer Activities

Band Camp

Classroom Activities

The structure of the band program is designed to help student musicians develop their individual skills, techniques and understanding of band music, and then to contribute as part of a balanced ensemble.

As with all classroom activities, parents are encouraged to read through curriculum guides, attend Capsule Night, and communicate effectively with the directors. Parents are encouraged to foster a positive relationship with both their student and the teacher to maximize the benefits of the educational experience.

The Pioneer Band Association is an advocate for the band program as a whole. Individual concerns should be brought up with the directors through e-mail or by requesting a one-on-one conference.

Performance Activities

The Pioneer Bands perform several concerts each year. In addition, the band ensembles, along with small group ensembles and individuals, participate in various music festivals.

Social Activities

Several activities are planned throughout the year to build friendships and esprit de corps among our band students and families. Some of the events also include performance opportunities. See the Calendars for specific dates, times and participating groups for each activity.

Fundraising Activities

Pioneer Band Association fundraising provides revenue to cover expenses to support band activities. Some activities are focused on individual events, such as special tours, while others support ongoing expenses for equipment, music, and other PBA sponsored activities. The Concert & Symphony Bands travel in even-numbered years, so major fundraising happens every two years.

Watch for special announcements about activities and events as the time approaches for each one.